Projeto Louisiana Green Fuels de US$ 700 para produzir combustíveis renováveis

Início » Novidades » Projeto Louisiana Green Fuels de US$ 700 para produzir combustíveis renováveis

A US$700 million renewable diesel refinery plant in Caldwell Parish, Louisiana was announced to begin construction by the governor of Louisiana. Governor Edwards along with the CEO of Strategic Biofuels LLC, Paul Schubert, have stated that Louisiana Green Fuels, a subsidiary of Strategic Biofuels LLC will be constructed on a 171- acre site in Columbia and will produce up to 121 million liters of renewable fuels annually. Louisiana Green Fuels will do this through established refinery processes with wood waste as the feedstock. It’s completing feasibility and financing phases for the project with the anticipation of a final investment decision by late 2022.

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Louisiana Green Fuels will create 76 new jobs with an average salary of US$68,000.  Louisiana Economic Development (LED) estimated that the project will result in an additional 412 new indirect jobs; totaling almost 500 new jobs in Caldwell Parish. The building phase is planned to take at least 30 months and will generate another 450 construction jobs. The United States’ Energy Information Administration defines renewable diesel as biomass-based diesel fuel. It is also referred to as green diesel and is chemically the same as petroleum diesel fuel and can be used in place of petroleum-based diesel. It is usually produced from cellulosic biomass materials such as crop residues, wood, and sawdust.

“A Louisiana Green Fuels é um exemplo de como o nosso estado pode fundir formas tradicionais e emergentes de energia de formas estimulantes para enfrentar as alterações climáticas”, disse o Governador Edwards. “A empresa contratou a Justiss Oil de Jena para perfurar um poço de teste de sequestro que confirmará a integridade do armazenamento de carbono a um quilómetro e meio abaixo da superfície da Terra. Este projeto impulsionaria o setor florestal do nosso estado através da colheita de subprodutos de madeira de forma sustentável, e a produção de diesel renovável da refinaria seria realizada de forma negativa em carbono. Isso significa que esta refinaria alcançaria melhores resultados do que emissões líquidas zero – na verdade, removeria mais carbono do ambiente do que produz.”

1 thought on “US$700 Louisiana Green Fuels project to produce renewable fuels”

    In the midwest, farmers grow corn for ethanol. Corn can be grown every year. If you harvest a pine tree for biofuel, how long does it take to grow another pine tree? This has been tried in Europe with less than stellar results.

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